Julia’s Story

Julia’s Story

Just like most of us, Julia never logged out of Facebook on her phone. So when someone got hold of her phone at a birthday party, they got easy access to her account and started posting nasty things. To make things worse, Julia’s parents could read these posts.

My story

I celebrated my 18th birthday recently. I had a huge party in my parent’s garage. It was so much fun. My friend organized the music, all the girls got dressed up and we played lots of cool party games.

I was taking selfies with my friends and left my phone down on the table to get some more beer. When I came back I couldn’t find my phone. I literally searched everywhere. When everyone left there was still no sign of my phone. I decided to log onto Facebook on my laptop and post a message on my birthday event page. When I logged on there were eight posts made in the previous hour. Someone had fraped me and it was bad! I was horrified to see the things they were posting especially because I’m friends with my family on Facebook and I am always very careful about my language.

After I deleted the posts, I put up a status saying I lost my phone and someone had fraped me. Thankfully my friend Nancy commented that she had found it in the back of her car. I made sure everyone knew that the things that were posted weren’t posted by me.

I’ve really learnt my lesson not to abandon my phone and especially to log out of my Facebook profile after I use it. I’ve also add a security code to my phone so that even if I do lose it, it is unlikely another person will be able to access my private information.

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